Redukcje ontologiczne w matematyce. Część III Zagadnienie rekonstrukcji fragmentów matematyki


  • Krzysztof Wójtowicz Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Słowa kluczowe:

philosophy of mathematics, ontological reduction, mathematical realism


This is the third part of the study concerning the problem of ontological reductions in mathematics. In this part, the problem of reconstruction of (parts of) mathematics in theories weaker than full ZFC is discussed. The tools from reverse mathematics are used, and the results are discussed from the point of view of various versions of realism (Gödel’s realism, Quine’s quasi-empiricism and Balaguer’s Full-Blooded Platonism). Some problems concerning the possibility of discussing these problem outside the conceptual system of set theory are also addressed.




Jak cytować

Wójtowicz, K. (2011). Redukcje ontologiczne w matematyce. Część III Zagadnienie rekonstrukcji fragmentów matematyki. Filozofia Nauki, 19(3), 49–62. Pobrano z