Uwagi o stosunku scjentyzmu do optymizmu poznawczego


  • Helena Eilstein University of New Mexico, Albuquerque


Using a comprehensive quotation from a book of Władysław Krajewski a characteristic of moderate scientism (to be called scientism below) is given. That is the stance I share with Krajewski. I complement the characteristic presenting scientism as an approved by me "naive trust in science". In the main part of the paper I discuss, however, the limitations imposed by contemporary science on the traditional epistemological optimism of scientism.




Jak cytować

Eilstein, H. (2007). Uwagi o stosunku scjentyzmu do optymizmu poznawczego. Filozofia Nauki, 15(4), 5–14. Pobrano z https://fn.uw.edu.pl/index.php/fn/article/view/520