Czas poza-fizyczny w filozofii Henryka Mehlberga


  • Tadeusz Pabjan Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Szczeciński


This paper presents some ideas of Henry Mehlberg on the problem of temporal localizability of psychological states belonging to a human being. There are three kinds of extra-physical time, referred to in Mehlberg's philosophy as psychological, inter-psychological, and psychophysical. The first one determines temporal order of psychological states belonging to the same self; the second one concerns psychological states of different selfs; the third one describes temporal relations between physical and psychological events. Physical time and all three kinds of extra-physical time together form a single universal time. This article includes short characterisation of these temporal concepts and discusses some methods of psychophysical synchronisation.




Jak cytować

Pabjan, T. (2005). Czas poza-fizyczny w filozofii Henryka Mehlberga. Filozofia Nauki, 13(3), 71–84. Pobrano z