Klemensa Szaniawskiego myśli o uniwersytecie


  • Władysław Stróżewski Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński


In his collected works O rozumowaniu, nauce i wartościach [On Reasoning, Science,
and Values] we will not find any remark directly concerning university. However,
there are some texts there which suggest what Klemens Szaniawski would say
about university if he were asked. Who is a man of university? The author has once
replied „that he is a man who identifies himself in a sense with the purposes of university,
lives its life and feels responsible for it”. Szaniawski satisfies that definition
to the greatest extend.




Jak cytować

Stróżewski, W. (2001). Klemensa Szaniawskiego myśli o uniwersytecie. Filozofia Nauki, 9(1), 115–121. Pobrano z https://fn.uw.edu.pl/index.php/fn/article/view/279