Czy Ajdukiewicz wielkim był?


  • Ryszard Wójcicki Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii, Polska Akademia Nauk


Ryszard Wójcicki's book „Ajdukiewicz. A Theory of Meaning” opens a series of publications "Filozofia polska XX wieku" [Polish Philosophy of XXth Century], created by Wójcicki. The main subject of the book is a theory of the meaning of linguistic expressions, which was formulated in the thirties and is known as a directival theory of meaning. The aim that the author has set for himself is not only to present and popularise that theory (these aims are implied by the character of the series), but also the evaluation of its material adequacy and its significance for further investigations of language as a means of representation and transmission of knowledge. Adam Nowaczyk tries to show that Wójcicki's critique of Ajdukiewicz's conception is unjustified, for the fallacy allegedly committed in this conception is either only apparent or else easily remediable. Wójcicki disagrees with Nowaczyk's objection.




Jak cytować

Wójcicki, R. (2000). Czy Ajdukiewicz wielkim był?. Filozofia Nauki, 8(2), 115–124. Pobrano z