Publishing Policy

Abiding by the requirements of good academic practice and aware of the scientific community’s social responsibility, FILOZOFIA NAUKI / THE PHILOSPHY OF SCIENCE requires all authors, reviewers and editors to follow its ethics policy throughout the entire editorial process.

 The journal's publication process follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

  1. By submitting an article for publication in FILOZOFIA NAUKI / THE PHILOSPHY OF SCIENCE, the Author claims it to be his or her own original work, unpublished before either as a whole or in significant parts, and not under consideration by any other journal.
  2. All persons stated as authors or co-authors should have made a significant contribution to the paper – we do not accept “guest authorship”. To be considered an author, the person needs to fulfil all three criteria listed below:
    • They have made a significant contribution into the research project or the concept on which the project is based, or have gathered or analysed or interpreted data obtained in the research;
    • They prepared the first draft of the text or played a significant part in its preparation, or provided critical examination of its intellectual content; and
    • They have approved the final version of the article that has been submitted for publication.
  3. All persons who have contributed to the final version of the paper should be listed as co-authors (the paper is not a product of “ghost-writing”).
  4. The submitting Author takes responsibility for the veracity of their statements regarding the absence of ghost-writers and guest authors.
  5. The Authors disclose the sources of funding of research on which the submitted article is based and contributions made by scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure).
  6. The articles are evaluated purely on the basis of professional and linguistic competence. Race, sex, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or lack thereof, national origin, citizenship status and political beliefs of the Authors play no part in the process of paper evaluation.
  7. All submissions are processed confidentially by the Editorial Team. In particular, no information related to the submitted papers is revealed to any person who is not taking part in the editorial process. Individuals authorized to access such information are: the Authors, the reviewers, the relevant Editors and the publishers.
  8. In case of justified suspicions of scientific misconduct (plagiarism, unjustified duplication of articles or their fragments, false authorship attribution, non-attribution of due authorship, lack of transparency regarding a conflict of interest, falsification or fabrication of data) the Editorial Team will suspend publication or retract the already published article.
  9. All identified cases of scientific misconduct will be publicly exposed (this includes notification of the institution employing the author, relevant authorities and professional associations).

Publication fees

Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science does not charge any publication fees for articles.

Archiving policy

Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science has electronic backup and preservation of access to the content of its journals via PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN). This can be seen at Publisher Manifest.

Journal Policy on Depositing All Versions of the Paper in Institutional and Other Repositories

At Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science we are committed to promoting open access to scholarly research and facilitating the widespread dissemination of knowledge. To support authors in achieving these objectives, we have implemented a policy that permits the deposition of all versions of the paper, including the submitted version, accepted version, and published version, in institutional and other repositories. This policy aims to foster transparency, accessibility, and collaboration within the academic community while upholding the integrity of the peer-review process.

Policy Overview:

  • Authors are granted permission to deposit all versions of their manuscript in institutional repositories affiliated with their respective institutions.
  • Authors are also allowed to deposit all versions of their manuscript in recognized repositories, including subject-based repositories, preprint servers, and other platforms dedicated to scholarly dissemination.

Guidelines for Depositing All Versions:

  1. Authors may deposit the submitted version of their manuscript immediately upon submission to Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science, subject to the following conditions:
    • The deposited version must clearly indicate that it is the submitted version and include the manuscript title, author names, and affiliations.
    • Authors must provide a link to the final published article in Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science
  2. Authors are permitted to deposit the accepted version of their manuscript after it has successfully completed the peer-review process and has been accepted for publication by Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science. This version refers to the author's final version after incorporating revisions based on peer-review comments but before copyediting and formatting by the journal.
  3. Authors are encouraged to deposit the published version of their manuscript, which includes all copyediting and formatting enhancements made by Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science to ensure conformity with the journal's style and layout. The published version should be deposited following its formal publication in Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science.
  4. Authors are advised to adhere to the following best practices when depositing all versions of their manuscript:
    • Provide appropriate metadata, including abstract, keywords, and citation information, to facilitate discoverability and proper attribution.
    • Consider using a standardized license for the deposited versions, such as Creative Commons licenses, to specify the terms under which the manuscript can be accessed and used.


  • The policy does not apply to any version of the manuscript that may have been withdrawn, retracted, or superseded due to errors or other legitimate concerns.


By allowing authors to deposit all versions of their manuscript in institutional and other repositories, Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science aims to:

  • Facilitate open access to research outputs, enabling broader dissemination of knowledge and increasing the impact of authors' work.
  • Foster collaboration and engagement among researchers worldwide, promoting a more inclusive and interconnected academic community.
  • Embrace the principles of open science, transparency, and accessibility, which contribute to the advancement of knowledge and scientific progress.

At Filozofia Nauki / The Philosophy of Science, we value the contributions of our authors and seek to create an environment that promotes open research practices while upholding the highest standards of scholarly publishing.