Butler’s Problem from a Rational Agent’s Perspective


  • Adam Wierzbicki Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw




Butler's problem, rational agent, intentional action, motivation, moral judgment


Butler’s problem poses a challenge to philosophical theories of intentional action because it suggests that intentionality attribution is dependent on moral judgement. Experimental results reached so far seem to confirm this thesis. However, the agent described in Butler scenarios seems to lack fundamental rationality, which may distort intuitions about the intentionality of his/her actions. An experimental study described in this work aims to overcome this problem by providing explicit reasons for action. Strength of motivation is also compared with moral judgement as a factor in intentionality attribution. The results of the study suggest that neither explicitly described reasons nor strength of motivation have a significant influence on intentionality attribution in Butler scenarios.


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Bernoulli D. (1738/1954), Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk, tłum. L. Sommer, "Econometrica" 22(1), 23-36. https://doi.org/10.2307/1909829
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Davidson D. (1971), Agency [w:] Agent, Action, and Reason, A. Marras, R. N. Bronaugh, R. W. Binkley (eds.), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1-37.
Frankfurt H. G. (1978), The Problem of Action, "American Philosophical Quarterly" 15(2), 157-62.
Harman G. (1976), Practical Reasoning, "The Review of Metaphysics" 29(3), 431-463.
Kahneman D., Tversky A. (1979), Prospect Theory. An Analysis of Decision under Risk, "Econometrica" 47(2), 263-291.
Knobe J. (2003), Intentional Action in Folk Psychology. An Experimental Investigation, "Philosophical Psychology" 16(2), 309-325. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515080307771
Kraemer E. R. (1978), Intentional Action, Chance and Control, "Analysis" 38(3), 116-117. https://doi.org/10.2307/3327845 https://doi.org/10.1093/analys/38.3.116
Mele A. R. (2003), Motivation and Agency, Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/019515617X.001.0001
Mele A. R., Moser P. K. (1994), Intentional Action, "Noûs" 28(1), 39-68. https://doi.org/10.2307/2215919
Mele A. R., Sverdlik S. (1996), Intention, Intentional Action, and Moral Responsibility, "Philosophical Studies" 82(3), 265-287. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00355310
Nadelhoffer T. (2004), The Butler Problem Revisited, "Analysis" 64(3), 277-284. https://doi.org/10.1093/analys/64.3.277
Ross D. (1978), He Loads the Gun, Not the Dice, "Analysis" 38(3), 114-115. https://doi.org/10.1093/analys/38.3.114 https://doi.org/10.2307/3327844
Simon H. A. (1972), Theories of Bounded Rationality [w:] Decision and Organization, C. B. McGuire, R. Radner (eds.), Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company.



How to Cite

Wierzbicki, A. (2018). Butler’s Problem from a Rational Agent’s Perspective. The Philosophy of Science, 26(2), 41–54. https://doi.org/10.14394/filnau.2018.0010