Structures of Justification: Part I. Infinitism and Coherentism


  • Jacek Ziobrowski SGH Warsaw School of Economics



structure of justification, regress problem, regress arguments, infinitism, coherentism


This paper is the first part of a series of articles about the structure of justification. I outline the so-called infinite regress problem and focus on three corresponding positions: skepticism (concerning justification), infinitism, and coherentism. Skepticism found its expression in Agrippa’s trilemma. Infinitism has been developed by Peter Klein and Scott Aikin. Coherentism is (primarily) discussed in its holistic version. I present different concepts of coherence and coherent justification, point out the main objections to coherentism and some ways to rebut them. General considerations concerning coherentism are illustrated by solutions included in the theories of Laurence BonJour and Thomas Bartelborth.


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How to Cite

Ziobrowski, J. (2018). Structures of Justification: Part I. Infinitism and Coherentism. The Philosophy of Science, 26(1), 67–113.