Complementarity of Science and Religion


  • Piotr Bylica Institute of Philosophy, University of Zielona Góra


In my paper I'm going to present and evaluate position that science and religion (Christianity) do not contradict each other and that they rather answer different kinds of questions and solve different problems. Even if they both claim anything about the origin of Universe or human their claims are made from various, independent perspectives. Advocates of complementarity of science and religion state that science is a search for empirical data while religion refers to the domain of values and meaning. In effect they are complementary to each other and their connection gives richer and consistent picture of reality. I agree that there are many problems and questions that are not common to scientific and religious domains, but I'm also going to show that meaning of many religious claims - also the crucial ones - is dependent upon existence of some facts in empirical world included to realm of science. I will also argue that the thesis of complementarity of science and religion is based on discredited neopositivistic picture of science as free from any philosophical commitments.



How to Cite

Bylica, P. (2006). Complementarity of Science and Religion. The Philosophy of Science, 14(1), 59–68. Retrieved from