To Read or not to Read - This is a Question. The Principles of the Selections among Scientific Publications


  • Witold C. Kowalski Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw


The considerations presented in the paper are an attempt to prove that free access to all scientific publications is evaluated on some world scientific forum. Scientists have to make selections among scientific publications again and again. In order to economise the scientist' time it is proposed to execute selections in three phases: the first phase - preliminary - even without seeing the relevant publications, and only on the basis of the title, author's name, names of publishers and journals, list of references, blurbs etc.; the second phase (with the relevant publications at hand) - the verification of results of the first preliminary phase on the basis of rough reviewes of the publications; the third phase - selective - the verification of results of the second phase by attentive studies of selected publications.



How to Cite

Kowalski, W. C. (1999). To Read or not to Read - This is a Question. The Principles of the Selections among Scientific Publications. The Philosophy of Science, 7(1-2), 77–81. Retrieved from