What Theory of Action? On Michał Barcz’s "Mechanics of Actions"





philosophy of action, causal theory of action, intention, rationality, artificial intelligence


This is a review of Michał Barcz’s book Mechanika działań. Filozoficzny spór wokół przyczynowej teorii działania (Mechanics of Actions: Philosophical Dispute over the Causal Theory of Action). The book discusses various causal accounts of intentional action and presents several arguments against them. The review focuses on accuracy in presentation of different causal theories of action and soundness of arguments presented against them by the author. At the end, I discuss some methodological issues raised by the book.


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How to Cite

Tarnowski, M. (2020). What Theory of Action? On Michał Barcz’s "Mechanics of Actions". The Philosophy of Science, 28(4), 83–102. https://doi.org/10.14394/filnau.2020.0023