Formal Relations between Ought and Good: Some Reflections in the Margins of Henryk Elzenberg’s Works




value and ought, formal axiology, deontic logic, relative preference semantic, Henryk Elzenberg


The paper presents a relative preference semantics for multimodal logic of good and ought inspired by the axiological writings of Henryk Elzenberg. Its central concept is the act of preference between alternative possibilities performed by a metaempirical will, guided only by pure reasons. In semantics, the act of a metaempirical will is modeled using an orderly relation between possible worlds. Using this logic, I formalize some relationships between good and ought posited by Elzenberg.


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How to Cite

Drofiszyn, M. (2020). Formal Relations between Ought and Good: Some Reflections in the Margins of Henryk Elzenberg’s Works. The Philosophy of Science, 28(4), 5–23.