The Fregean Axiom




Gottlob Frege, Fregean Axiom, truth-value, semantic correlate, identity connective


This paper discusses the semantic assumption that Roman Suszko called “the Fregean Axiom.” According to the Fregean Axiom, a logical sentence is a name of its logical value, which means that all true sentences are names of one and the same object called “Truth,” and — by analogy — all false sentences are names of one and the same object called “False.” The Fregean Axiom is at odds with the common-sense intuition. Usually, we think that a sentence is not a name but an
expression that states that a certain state of affairs occurs. The article analyzes the presuppositions underlying the axiom. The second part of the text discusses the consequences of either adoption or rejection of the axiom.


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How to Cite

Omyła, M. (2020). The Fregean Axiom. The Philosophy of Science, 28(3), 99–109.