On the Computer-Science Category of Analogicity and the Possibility of its Application in Molecular Biology





analog computation, analogicity, computer science, empirical computation, molecular biology, philosophy of computing, protein folding


The main aim of this paper is to justify the thesis that in molecular biology — in the scope of phenomena fundamental for the functioning of the cell — a significant role is played by analog (nondiscrete) information, which can be described in computational terms. It is a methodological thesis, indicating a certain direction of advancing new biological hypotheses. This aim is realized in two stages. In sections 1 and 2 we discuss the computer-science concept of analogicity, generally describing different concepts of analog-continuous and analog-empirical computations, as well as discussing the relationship between analogicity and digitality. In sections 3 and 4 we analyze some components of the process of protein formation, emphasizing that an adequate description of this process requires taking into account information of an analog nature, which, with a certain research attitude, can be described, but also used, computationally.


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How to Cite

Stacewicz, P., & Siedliński, R. (2020). On the Computer-Science Category of Analogicity and the Possibility of its Application in Molecular Biology. The Philosophy of Science, 28(3), 47–71. https://doi.org/10.14394/filnau.2020.0015