What Does the Origin of the Notion of Laws of Nature Tell Us about Them? A Polemic with Ronald N. Giere





laws of nature, Ronald N. Giere


The aim of this paper is to analyze Ronald N. Giere’s claim that the four characteristics associated with laws of nature — truth, universality, necessity, and objectivity — have a theological origin. It is argued that in some important cases theological justification of these features was absent, that some theological ideas made it even more difficult to think about laws of nature in this way, and that there were good reasons internal to science to formulate the notion of laws of nature in this particular way.


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How to Cite

Luc, J. (2019). What Does the Origin of the Notion of Laws of Nature Tell Us about Them? A Polemic with Ronald N. Giere. The Philosophy of Science, 27(3), 103–116. https://doi.org/10.14394/filnau.2019.0020