Models of Self in Self-Knowledge




self-knowledge, self, predictive coding, externalism, internalism, enactivism, cybernetics


This article argues for an externalist self-model in self-knowledge, as an answer to the question of how to defend self-knowledge in the face of evident errors in self-cognition such as self-illusions. The externalist model is contrasted with an internalist model, although both are based on a predictive coding mechanism. The main thesis is that for preserving the status of self-knowledge as knowledge an external element is needed — namely, some feedback from the environment — which corrects not only cognitive prediction errors regarding the world but also errors in self-cognition by forcing the proper action of the subject (agent) and dynamic adaptation of the model of the embodied self. The mechanism of self-corrections is best described by externalist models.


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How to Cite

Pacholik-Żuromska, A. (2019). Models of Self in Self-Knowledge. The Philosophy of Science, 27(3), 55–76.