Czy myśl jest wytworem? Uwagi filologiczne na marginesie rozprawy Kazimierza Twardowskiego
Słowa kluczowe:
Twardowski, thought, proposition, product, inner speechAbstrakt
The paper presents linguistic comments on semantic and syntactic features of some key expressions mentioned by Kazimierz Twardowski in his O czynnościach i wytworach (On Actions and Products, 1911). In the first part, I enumerate and explain main functional properties of the Polish word myśl, że (a thought that). By means of collocation experiments I show that the expression myśl, że refers to the entity which is countable as well as independent from the subject. A thought is identified by the accompanying proposition, which must not be a nonsense. Next, I point out the differences between other Polish names of inner speech phenomena like spostrzeżenie (a notice, an observation), przekonanie (a belief), sšd (a judgement, a proposition), wyobrażenie, pojęcie (a notion). Finally, I argue that within natural (Polish) language there is no reason to treat thoughts as products of mental actions.Pobrania
Jak cytować
Zaucha, J. (2016). Czy myśl jest wytworem? Uwagi filologiczne na marginesie rozprawy Kazimierza Twardowskiego. Filozofia Nauki, 24(1), 141–150. Pobrano z