Epistemiczna koncepcja prawdy a relatywizm


  • Tadeusz Szubka Wydział Filozofii, Katolicki Uniwerstyte Lubelski


Epistemic conceptions of truth, for which truth is defined in terms of justifiability or assertibility in properly idealized conditions, are very often considered as unavoidably linked with relativism. The paper argues that such a link is not unavoidable. The reason is that there are accounts of justification that do not have relativistic consequences, and therefore one may propose an epistemic conception of truth that does not have those consequences either.




Jak cytować

Szubka, T. (2003). Epistemiczna koncepcja prawdy a relatywizm. Filozofia Nauki, 11(3-4), 79–89. Pobrano z https://fn.uw.edu.pl/index.php/fn/article/view/374