W sprawie pojęć uniwersalnych i transcendentalnych


  • Adam Olech Instytut Filozoficzno-Historyczny, Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Częstochowie


In this paper the particulierity of universal and transcendental concepts is analyzed. The thesis of the article is following: as for the content of concepts - the transcendental ones are empty, contrary to the universal ones which always have some content. It is the author’s intention to address his article not only to philosophers - hence he passes over some complicated problems and keeps the use of logical appemetns - within reasonable limits.




Jak cytować

Olech, A. (1998). W sprawie pojęć uniwersalnych i transcendentalnych. Filozofia Nauki, 6(2), 35–49. Pobrano z https://fn.uw.edu.pl/index.php/fn/article/view/208