Can Normative Economics Be Convincing without the Notion of Well-Being?
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
well-being, welfare, opportunity, capability, normative economics, positive economicsAbstrakt
In this article, we examine the notion of well-being in light of the relationship between positive and normative economics. Having identified four interrelationships between possible theoretical developments within the two fields, we propose a framework for the analysis of normative economic theories. The starting point for these considerations were competing stances on well-being proposed by neoclassical welfare economics, Robert Sugden, Amartya Sen, and Daniel Hausman.
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Kwarciński T., Załuski W. (2021), Beyond Mere Utility-Maximisation: Towards an Axiologically Enriched Account of Well-being [in:] Words, Objects and Events in Economics: The Making of Economic Theory, R. Róna, L. Zsolnai, A. Wincewicz-Price (eds.), Cham: Springer.
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Mill J. S. (1859/2001), On Liberty, Kitchener: Batoche Books.
Mill J. S. (1872/1974), A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive [in:] Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, J. M. Robson (ed.), vol. VIII, Toronto: Toronto University Press, 833-952.
Morris C. W. (2010), Amartya Sen: Contemporary Philosophy in Focus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Parfit D. (1984), Reasons and Persons, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Qizilbash M. (2020), “Informed Preference Consequentialism, Contractarianism and Libertarian Paternalism: On Harsanyi, Rawls and Robert Sugden’s The Community of Advantage,” International Review of Economics 68(1), 67-88.
Schick F. (1986), “Dutch Bookies and Money Pumps,” The Journal of Philosophy 83(2): 112-119.
Schubert C. (2020), “Opportunity Meets Self-Constitution,” International Review of Economics 68(1), 51-65.
Sen A. (1977), “Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory,” Philosophy and Public Affairs 6(4), 317-344.
Sen A. (1979), “Personal Utilities and Public Judgements: Or What’s Wrong with Welfare Economics,” The Economic Journal 89(355), 537-558.
Sen A. (1985), “Well-Being, Agency and Freedom: The Dewey Lectures 1984,” The Journal of Philosophy 82(4): 169-221.
Sen A. (1986), “Prediction and Economic Theory,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 407(1832), 3-23.
Sen A. (1988), On Ethics and Economics, Oxford–New York: Blackwell Publishing.
Sen A. (2002), Development as Freedom, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Strotz R. H. (1955), “Myopia and Inconsistency in Dynamic Utility Maximization,” The Review of Economic Studies 23(3), 165.
Sugden R. (2004), “The Opportunity Criterion: Consumer Sovereignty without the Assumption of Coherent Preferences,” The American Economic Review 94(4): 1014-1033.
Sugden R. (2006), “What We Desire, What We Have Reason to Desire, Whatever We Might Desire: Mill and Sen on the Value of Opportunity,” Utilitas 18(1): 33-51.
Sugden R. (2010), “Opportunity as Mutual Advantage,” Economics and Philosophy 26(1), 47-68.
Sugden R. (2018), The Community of Advantage: A Behavioural Economist’s Defence of the Market, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Sugden R. (2019), “The Community of Advantage,” Economic Affairs 39, 417-423.
Sugden R. (2020), “Normative Economics without Preferences,” International Review of Economics 68(1), 5-19.
Sunstein C. (2020), “Behavioral Welfare Economics,” Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 11(2), 196-220.
Thaler R., Sunstein C. (2008), Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness, New Haven: Yale University Press.
Veisten K. (2007), “Contingent Valuation Controversies: Philosophic Debates about Economic Theory,” The Journal of Socio-economics 36(2), 204-232.
Venkatachalam L. (2004), “The Contingent Valuation Method: A Review,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review 24(1), 89-124.
Jak cytować
Kwarciński, T., & Turek, K. M. (2021). Can Normative Economics Be Convincing without the Notion of Well-Being?. Filozofia Nauki, 29(3), 37–61.